Option Trades - June 19, 2015
ASHR stock price has dropped 12.6% for the week. I am now in the money for my $50 put option
and Implied Vol. and delta has been increasing (which it should). My gain since I purchase the put is 59%. Not
a bad week.
Josh thanks for talking about the China mainland stock
market and how over priced the stock are (was around 275 EPS).
My June 19, 2015 $21
put was in the money and I will be buying 4000 shares of GLW (I sold 4000 for
$23 late in 2014 and have sold 4 different puts since January 1St this
is the first one to finish in the money). Early next I will be selling 40 (4000
shares) call options at $21 or $22 30 or 60 days out. This will continue my
wheel of fun strategy with GLW.
I am still looking for COP to go below $62.50. When it does I will be selling a %
$60 put to re-start my wheel of fun strategy on COP. At $60
COP pays a 4.50% dividend. Currently I
own 1000 shares of COP and I write calls when the stock price goes over $67.50.
Until next week and have a great week trading.
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