Weekly Option Report – July 10, 2015
ASHR I sold my final option put options on July 6th and July 7th that I purchased on June 12, 2015. The closing price of ASHR was $55.20 on June 12, 2015 (the record high). When I sold my last put options on July 7, 2015 the price was $36.70 (loss of 34%). The lowest stock price since I purchased ASHR was $33.89 (loss of 38.5%) on July 8th. The stock price of ASHR gained 27% over the next 2 days to close $43.25 on July 10th.
I made a total gain of 168% for the 25 days of the ASHR short trade.
I will be looking for other opportunities to get back into the main land China stock market using the ETF ASHR either long or short. I love the volatility of the China main land stock market.
My June 19, 2015 $21 put was in the money and I purchased 4000 shares of GLW (I sold 4000 for $23 late in 2014 and have sold 4 different puts since January 1St this is the first one to finish in the money). I am since trying to sell my 40 (4000 shares) call options at $21 or $22 30 or 60 days out. This will continue my wheel of fun strategy with GLW.
I am still trying to do a covered combination option strategy next week. For example sell a GLW put at $20 and a call at $22 when I am long the stock. It was something I was considering to add to my wheel of fun option strategy.
COP stock went under $62 and I sold a August 21, 2015 $60 put for $1.90 when the stock price was at $60.21 on Thursday July 2, 2015 (current stock price $60.51) to re-start my wheel of fun option strategy. Think of if as getting paid for a limited order. I love the stock so purchasing the stock at $60 (minus 1.90) would not be a problem. At the cost of $58.10 the dividend would be around 4.9%.
Currently I own 1000 shares of COP and I write calls when the stock price goes over $67.50.
The July 10th stock price is $59.13.
Other ideas:
I am looking to either go long or short the Chinese, Greece or Japanese market by going long or shorting a large country index ETF.
I am putting together a spreadsheet of China, Greece and Japan ETFs. It will include the following information:
ETF Name
Hedged Currencies
Net Assets
Bid / Ask Ration - Option
Option Liquidity
If you are interested I can send you the spreadsheet (using Google docs).
If you are interested send me a note and I will send you my wheel of fun option strategy (using Google docs). I am looking for people to review it and me input.
If you have any investing please send me an email and I will help you develop an option strategy for your ides.
Until next week and have a great week trading.
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